If you are looking for a memorable experience, “far from the maddening crowds,” book a trip with Wild Earth Llama Adventures next time you are in Taos. What started as llama rescue evolved into a thriving small business.
Wild Earth Llama Adventures
Wild Earth offers educational multi-day llama trekking adventures and day hikes in the wilderness areas of New Mexico’s Sangre de Cristo Mountains and Rio Grande Gorge. Most of the treks take place in the remote regions of the Wheeler Peak, Columbine-Hondo, Latir Peak Wilderness Areas, and Rio Grande Gorge/Wild and Scenic Rivers Recreation Area.
The llamas do the heavy lifting, so guests are free to enjoy New Mexico’s unspoiled wilderness. Llamas are the perfect low-impact, high altitude pack animal. Their leather padded, two-toed feet and natural agility give them a sure-footedness akin to mountain goats and bighorn sheep.
Experienced guides are very familiar with local ecology. They provide information about native plants and wildlife, edible and medicinal plants; natural and cultural history, and wilderness living skills. Wild Earth also provides family adventures, tailored to the age and needs of the participants.
“Backcountry Gourmet” meals are served on all trips. The Llamas pack in a full backcountry kitchen, with fresh ingredients to prepare an exciting blend of traditional and innovative cuisine. The main guide doubles as a chef in the off-season.
Wild Earth Llama Adventures
(800) 758-5262