Popay: Leader of the First American Revolution also provides a comprehensive look at a particular time in New Mexicos history that changed the state forever, making it the richly multi-cultural “Land of Enchantment” that it is. Amplified with quotes from New Mexico and Pueblo leaders, the book also demonstrates how the events of the Pueblo Revolt enabled the Pueblos, unlike other American Indian groups, to continue their languages, traditions and religion on essentially the same lands from ancient times to today and how Popays legacy continues to inspire all people. The book also covers the historical making of the seven-foot-tall Tennessee marble statue, from the political processes involved to its actual creation, eventual completion and final dedication in the Statuary Hall on September 22, 2005.
Drawing on early Spanish records as well as the oral tradition preserved in the pueblos since the seventeenth century, Joe S. Sando tells the compelling story of the conditions of Spanish rule, the secret planning of Pueblo leaders and the remarkably coordinated Revolt that drove the Spanish from New Mexico in 1680. Under Popays leadership, the Revolt ended the persecutions and secured the future of the Pueblo Peopletheir culture, their land rights and their religious freedom.
Herman Agoyo brought history to life in the present as he guided the events leading to the completion of the Popay statue. It was his vision and persistence that drove the project forward, through creating and passing in the New Mexico State Legislature the bill selecting Popay, the fund-raising, and the final completion and dedication of the statue. This book is a celebration of New Mexicos culturally rich present as well as its history.
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